Our services

  • Basic

    Technical assessments of your institution’s technical capabilities, needs, and threat level. Best for small organizations, websites, and community groups.

    • Digital security needs assessments, including interviews with staff and leadership to capture current practices, organizational policies and priorities, and technical infrastructure details

    • Deliverable digital wellness check document outlining organizational strengths, vulnerabilities, and practical next steps

  • Intermediate

    Safety interventions and trainings. Everything in Basic as well as short- to medium-term strategic plans, staff trainings, information sharing, and immediate triage support. Best for synagogues, community centers, online media, and social service groups.

    • Digital security strategic plans for streamlining internal technical infrastructure and ensuring it serves the security needs of employees, communities, and stakeholders

    • Digital security policy development

    • Presentations to staff and board members on results of assessments and recommended actions

    • Staff trainings on digital security best practices including using two-factor authentication, social media management, password management, network security, website security, and operational security

    • Triage support for organizations currently under attack or under threat of attack

  • Comprehensive

    Sustainable support. Everything in Basic and Intermediate as well as ongoing support to help maintain integrated approaches to digital safety across an organization or project. Best for large institutions, federations, networks, and advocacy organizations.

    • Long-term organizational digital security strategic planning and implementation

    • Sector-wide needs assessments and threat assessments

    • Ongoing triage and training support

    • Community facilitation and coordination to ensure stakeholders and partners are incorporating an appropriate level of digital safety measures

Interventions can take place remotely or on-site, depending on the needs of the engagement.


Pricing is structured according to client need. After an initial consultation we will determine pricing based on tier level and the for-profit or non-profit status of a potential partner.